WW codes - current weather at manned stations

WW=00-19No precipitation, fog,(except for 11 and 12), duststorm, sandstorm, drifting or blowing snow at the station at the time of observation or, except for 09 and 17, during the preceeding hour
00Cloud development not observed or observable characteristic state of sky during the past hour
01Clouds dissolving or becoming less developed
02State of sky on the whole unchanged
03Clouds generally forming or developing
04Visibility reduced by smoke haze
06Widespread dust in suspension in the air, not raised by wind at or near the station at the time of observation.
07Dust or sand raised by the wind at or near the station at the time of the observation, but no well-developed dust whirl(s), and no sandstorm seen: or, in the case of ships, blowing spray at the station
08Well developed dust whirl(s) or sand whirl(s) seen at or near the station during the preceding hour or at the time of observation, but no duststorm or sandstorm
09Duststorm or sandstorm within sight at the time of observation, or at the station during the preceding hour
11Patches of shallow fog or ice fog, less than 2 m on land or 10 m at sea
12More or less continuous
13Lightning visible, no thunder heard
14Precipitation within sight, not reaching the ground or surface of sea
15Precipitation within sight, reaching ground or the surface of the sea, but distant, i.e. estimated to be more than 5 km from the station
16Precipitation within sight, reaching the ground or the surface of the sea, near to, but not at the station
17Thunderstorm, but no precipitation at the time of observation
18Squallsat or within sight of the station during the preceding hour or at time of observation
19Funnel cloud(s) or tuba
WW=20-29Precipitation, fog, ice fog or thunderstorm at the station during the preceeding hour but not at the time observation
20Drizzle (not freezing) or snow grainsNot falling as shower(s)
21Rain (not freezing)
23Rain and snow or ice pellets
24Freezing drizzle or freezing rain
25Shower(s) of rain
26Shower(s) of snow, or of rain and snow
27Shower(s) of hail, or of rain and hail
28Fog or ice fog
29Thunderstorm (with or without precipitation)
WW=30-39Duststorm, sandstorm, drifting or blowing snow
30Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm has decreased during the preceding hour
31no appreciable change during the preceding hour
32has begun or increased during the preceding hour
33Severe duststorm or sandstormhas decreased during the preceding hour
34no appreciable change during the preceding hour
35has begun or increased during the preceding hour
36Slight or moderate drifting snowGenerally low (below eye level)
37Heavy drifting snow
38Slight or moderate blowing snow Generally high (above eye level)
39Heavy blowing snow
WW=40-49Fog or ice fog at the time of observation
40Fog or ice fog at a distance at the time of observation, but not at the station during the preceding hour, the fog or ice fog extending to a level above that of the observer
41Fog or ice fog in patches
42Fog or ice fog, sky visiblehas become thinner during preceding hour
43Fog or ice fog, sky obscured
44Fog or ice fog, sky visibleno appreciable change during the preceding hour
45Fog or ice fog, sky obscured
46Fog or ice fog, sky visiblehas begun or has become thicker during the preceding hour
47Fog or ice fog, sky obscured
48Fog or ice fog, sky visible
49Fog or ice fog, sky obscured
50Drizzle, not freezing, intermittentslight at time of observation
51Drizzle, not freezing, continuous
52Drizzle, not freezing, intermittentmoderate at time of observation
53Drizzle, not freezing, continuous
54Drizzle, not freezing, intermittentheavy (dense) at time of observation
55Drizzle, not freezing, continuous
56Drizzle, freezing, slight
57Drizzle, freezing, moderate or heavy (dense)
58Drizzle and rain, slight
59Drizzle and rain, moderate or heavy
60Rain, not freezing, intermittentSlight at time of observation
61Rain, not freezing, continuous
62Rain, not freezing, intermittentModerate at time of observation
63Rain, not freezing, continuous
64Rain, not freezing, intermittent Heavy at time of observation
65Rain, not freezing, continuous
66Rain, freezing, slight
67Rain, freezing, moderate or heavy
68Rain or drizzle and snow, slight
69Rain or drizzle and snow, moderate or heavy
WW=70-79Solid precipitation not in showers
70Intermittent fall of snowflakesslight at time of observation
71Continuous fall of snowflakes
72Intermittent fall of snowflakesmoderate at time of observation
73Continuous fall of snowflakes
74Intermittent fall of snowflakesheavy at time of observation
75Continuous fall of snowflakes
76Diamond dust (with or without fog)
77Snow grains (with or without fog)
78Isolated star-like snow crystals (with or without fog)
79Ice pellets
WW=80-99Showery precipitation, or precipitation with current or recent thunderstorm
80Rain shower(s), slight
81Rain shower(s), moderate or heavy
82Rain shower(s), violent
83Shower(s) of rain and snow mixed, slight
84Shower(s) of rain and snow mixed, moderate or heavy
85Snow shower(s), slight
86Snow shower(s), moderate or heavy
87Shower(s) of snow pellets or small hail with or without rain or rain and snow mixed slight
88moderate or heavy
89Shower(s) of hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, not associated with thunderslight
90moderate or heavy
WW=91-94Thunderstorm during the preceeding hour but not at time of observation
91Slight rain at time of observation
92Moderate or heavy rain at time of observation
93Slight snow, or rain and snow mixed, or hail at time of observation
94Moderate or heavy snow, or rain and snow mixed, or hail at time of observation
WW=95-99Thunderstorm at time of observation
95Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, without hail but with rain and or snow at time of observation
96Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with hail at time of observation
97Thunderstorm, heavy, without hail but with rain and or snow at time of observation
98Thunderstorm combined with duststorm or sandstorm at time of observation
99Thunderstorm, heavy, with hail at time of observation