Meteosat is the European contribution to the Global Atmospheric Research programme and is a geostationary earth observation platform in orbit at 0° - above the intersection of the Greenwich Meridian and the Equator. From its orbital position, Meteosat 'sees' a whole Earth disk that extends from South America to the Middle East, with Africa below the satellite. Europe is to the top - from this position, Meteosat is ideally placed to observe weather patterns in the Atlantic and across Europe and to assist in the forecasting of European weather. Meteosat is operated by EUMETSAT on behalf of European meteorological agencies.
The Meteosat System: Orbiter, Imaging etc.
Information about the Meteosat system, how images are acquired, the Wefax format etc.
[ C4 ] [ C5 ] [ C6 ]Please select an image segment to download
[ C7 ] [ C8 ] [ C9 ] [ CTOT ] Whole Earth disk CTOT
Visible band close up images of Europe - C02 (west) and C03 (central and eastern)
[ D4 ] [ D5 ] [ D6 ]Please select an image segment to download
[ D7 ] [ D8 ] [ D9 ] [ DTOT ] Whole Earth disk DTOT
[ ETOT ] Whole Earth disk ETOT
Eumetsat administration message
Meteosat high resolution PDUS images
False colour meteosat image from Meteo France
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Page update: January 1999